Cleaner code & new things

  • Cleaned the code.
  • Added a new tileset
  • Made you float if you hold left mouse (Can't implment slowmode 😭)
  • New ragdoll code
  • Combo system (Working on)

Please leave feedback in the commet below


KittySlashV2 (HTML).zip Play in browser
3 days ago
KittySlashV2 (Win).zip 35 MB
3 days ago

Get Kitty Slash


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I like the fact that the targets are now wooden cats, and I like that you can knock them around. I love the float feature however it doesn't work 100% of the time but when it does it's quite smooth. I also like that you can hold it for a few seconds before it slashes. I'm excited to see the combo system, do update us when you do :)

Well they are actually a wooden rat, but yeah.
Can you tell me what happed when it doesn't work? (You can send a video)